Original Builder Information

River Oaks Condominiums were built by US Homes, but US Homes is no longer is business and Lennar is the parent company. Contact information for the Lennar Customer Care Supervisor for River Oaks is below:


Jennifer Eastman

Email: jennifer.eastman@lennar.com 

Office Phone: 1-410-423-0565
Cell Phone:    1-301-642-5688
Fax Phone:    877-596-1080

Address:  10211 Wincopin Circle #300, Columbia, MD 21044

Website:  http://www.lennar.com/

Original Installer Information

Look inside your electrical circuit box and you will find a list of all the original installers for your plumbing, electrical, HVAC, roofing, siding, painting, appliances, and sprinklers.