The Citizen’s Police Academy runs periodically as announced by the Anne Arundel County Police Department. The last session was from March- May 2014. The next session has not been announced
1. The Citizens Police Academy provides participants education about laws, police procedures, forensics, crime scene collections, resource management and more. Participants are provided an
opportunity to demonstrate what they have learned through hands-on practical applications. You’ll learn self-defense, arrest techniques, vehicle maneuvers and participate in Simunitions
training. You’ll also learn about how to improve the quality of life in your community by partnering with the police department.
2. The goal of the Anne Arundel County Police Citizens’ Police Academy is to provide the communities that the police department serves with a better understanding of the department and to develop
a partnership with the community members through education and training. Chief Kevin Davis and members of the Anne Arundel County Police Department believe the best way to protect yourself
is through knowledge.
3. Community members are invited to come to various Anne Arundel County Police Department facilities to learn first-hand what a police officer does and why they do those things. The
Citizens Police Academy allows community members to learn what resources are available to them through the Police Department. It also allows the communities to bond with the department and
form a “partnership.” The Citizens’ Police Academy is 13 weeks (sessions) long. The sessions are held once a week for 3 hours on Thursdays during the course.
4. For information and registration materials, please e-mail the Community Relations Division. Students have no cost for participating in this program, but they will graduate with a wealth of knowledge. Please contact
the Community Relations Division staff for information and registration applications.